Providing information and resources to help parents and adults make informed decisions regarding gender ideology.
Education over Indoctrination
A video by Katy Faust CEO of the website Us Before Them talking about the damage being done to our children in the name of gender identity.
Read Abigail Shrier's book to find out more about the irreversible damage to our children caused by the current transgender craze. Follow these links to her twitter page or website.
The 4 lies of the progressive liberals.
Gender Ideology activists will use the believable lie that transpeople never detransition. However, the reality is different and more and more medical practitioners are reporting an increase in those who transitioned seeking support to detransition. The following link from PragerU called DETRANS: The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care is a short video that gives an insight into the difficulties for those wishing to revert back to their natal sex. Here is the link:
This video although quite long gives such a good understanding of the harm being done to children in the name of gender ideology. If you don't want to watch the whole video then at least watch the last 4 or 5 minutes about the experiences of someone who suffered real harm.
About Billboardron
Hi, I'm Ron.
I'm a father of two, one boy and one girl both now in their thirties with four grandchildren aged 2, 3, 5 and a few weeks! I've been following what has been happening this last decade or so and seen the rise of atheistic totalitarian ideologies which would broadly come under the banner of Cultural Marxism and witnessed their game plan in action.
What concerns me most however, is how one aspect (gender identity) is confusing so many parents, young adults and teens. Woke activists use believable lies couched in words like compassion, diversity and equality but that just makes understanding the lie more appealing. Children are never born in the wrong body and trying to overcome what is an internal psychological problem by mutilating and forcing the body into an unnatural state does not solve the problem but makes it worse. And when gender dysphoric teens eventually work out who they are only to find that the drugs, chemicals and surgery are not reversible then not only are their internal issues not resolved but now often face long term depression and dependency on medication.
The purpose of this website is to inform so that parents can make the best decisions for their children and to be aware of the indoctrination now taking place in schools, often without parental consent.