
Below are clips and photos of my experiences on the streets and campuses in Essex and Suffolk talking about the lies inherent in gender ideology.
Had more than usual today of insults and verbal abuse but mostly as they passed and wouldn't stop to engage. The group behind stopped for a while, I also spoke briefly to a young transwoman who said she was born a male and was very convincing I must admit and seemed very happy with her new identity and so wished her well.
Here is Lyn, an 80 year old grandmother giving some advice which perhaps younger parents might want to listen to!
The person in the yellow jacket is my son doing some professional filming and very supportive of my activity. The young girl in the video spoke for quite some time and wanted me to visit the local university campus which I will be doing soon. Only one aggressive person today who expressed he is from a family of teachers and that no one is teaching gender ideology in the UK. He didn't seem to like my experience of parents and grandparents reporting that their children are being told that boys can be girls and girls can become boys in junior school and they are worried about what is being actually taught by some teachers.
After a short time on Colchester high street I made my way for a first visit to the nearby Essex University. It wasn't long however, before being asked to leave. Managed to engage with a few students though and in the process now of preparing a risk assessment which apparently is what is required before being allowed to speak. Sounds reasonable if I do actually get permission!
Meeting some familiar faces and more one on one discussions. Not everyone stops to chat but most actually read the billboard as they past by and so hopefully some seeds sown that might cause discussion later about gender ideology.
It's getting cold now here in Colchester UK and today a nearby street vender approached me offering support for what I'm doing and bought me a cappuccino, that's a first and most welcome.
Had some very interesting talks, one with a medical practitioner who mentioned that she is seeing more and more trans patients who want to detransition and find help with the negative side effects of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and even surgery which they are experiencing. She even said some are so confused about who they are that they want a DNA test to confirm their actual sex.
One twenty something couple were verbally very offensive but I could understand their frustration when they reported they have a friend in hospital who tried to commit suicide and struggling with their own gender identity. So sad.

First time on a busy Saturday and first chance as billboardron to meet a transwoman. Sad she wouldn't engage and let me explain my point of view but I'll be here next week and ready to explain what the true agenda is behind this dangerous ideology.
A slightly longer video clip as there were so many interesting discussions today, mostly with teenagers from the 6th form college. To end the day I was handed along the bus on route to home a note from what looked like an 80 year old women. It simply said "Well done, thank you."
It's day 4 and an amazing day with real interest from students wanting to understand more deeply about gender ideology although there were the usual insults from a tiny minority. It was also my first experience of an extremely angry and abusive person who, with his face only about 30cm away from mine and shouting loudly for over 5 minutes accusing me as being the cause of a high percentage of transgender individuals attempting suicide. Perhaps I'll meet him again and maybe, just maybe he will give me an opportunity to explain how we can best reduce this extremely high suicide problem within the transgender community.
Today we stood with the Essex Residents Association outside the Colchester police station. They are active on several fronts, one being gender ideology and so I joined them.
Later I continued on to the high street and again had many positive discussions and received a lot of encouragement and thumbs-up as people walked past. Students also continuing to engage on the subject.

Some of the things people said. From a man from Turkey with a wife and two children in Belarus. He would rather leave his children in Belarus, a country near to the Ukrainian/Russian war than bring his children to the UK and have their minds poisoned by what is going on in schools, TV and in society generally.
From two grand parents worried about what their grand children are being taught in school. One aged 11 came back and said how the teacher was saying that he can be a girl, and girls can be a boy if they want.
A traffic warden was really encouraged by what I am doing and said his wife is a nurse and is aware with first hand knowledge of the type of radical surgery being performed on some teenagers who want to change their gender.
A 6th form collage pupil and friends find the whole idea of gender ideology and the nature of woke activism appalling and sees how the Marxist mind set is having very negative effects in society.
Here is a short 76 second clip taken from two hours on the streets of Colchester. Lots of interesting and sometimes heated discussion but some students were really interested on the subject of Gender Ideology and the whole Transgender craze.
Towards the end a PSPO officer approached joined a few minutes later by three policemen who seemed to fear for my safety, I think it was a bit of an over reaction but happy to know they are there to protect citizens. They were very understanding, confirmed there was no hate speech and were happy for me to carry on, maybe next week though!