Gender Ideology and how the Cultural Marxist are using it.
So, let’s be clear from the start, contrary to what Transgender activists will tell you there are only two sexes. One is male and the other is female and this can be seen throughout the animal kingdom and even down to sub atomic particles. All things that exist do so in a paired binary or subject object relationship and that includes people.
The genetic similarity between men is 99.9% and between women is also 99.9%. The genetic similarity between men and woman however, is 98.2% and the similarity between a man and a chimpanzee is 98.7%. That means there is a bigger genetic difference between men and woman than between men and chimpanzee’s.
Scientists have found over 9,500 genetic differences between male and female people and these differences can be observed in every one of the 37 trillion cells that make up the human body. There are over 3.2 billion base pairs of DNA in every cell which make up 23 pairs of chromosomes. It is the XX or XY chromosome difference that operates throughout the body to produce a male and female external form. This difference can be seen to express itself after about the 5th week of pregnancy when the foetus begins to take on male or female attributes. A 1.8% genetic difference equates to approximately 59 million base pair differences in each DNA strand. Consider that more than 3 base pair mistakes when DNA is copied while growing in the womb will result in a natural miscarriage. A single letter mistake in the DNA code can produce diseases like sickle cell anaemia or progeria, a condition of accelerated aging. On an internal level the invisible mind also has a male and female characteristic. Maturity and a well-balanced persona is when this internal characteristic and external form coincide in a harmonious way. When the two aspects are not united it is only the mind that is flexible enough to change as the body has a fixed sexual state. Most of us bring these two aspects of our being in to alignment during our formative years.
However, approximately one in every 15,000 babies are born with ambiguous genitalia. This represents 0.007% or put another way, 99.993% of everyone on the planet has a clearly defined male or female form and have no doubts about what sex they are.
Gender Fluidity theory on the other hand is used to separate our biological sex from the way we think or feel about our sex and as such has the potential to cause greater mental anguish and confusion by telling us these two intrinsic aspects can be different. Gender fluidity theory as pushed by the LGBTQ ideologues have absolutely no interest in these 0.007% of people or those with genuine gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder. These people need a quite space, compassion and support to help them identify who they are. For a very small portion of this already small group minor surgery may be helpful. So, the question is why should the majority be subjected to gender confusion when it only affects an extremely small minority of the population? The reason is that the purpose is not to be compassionate towards those with true gender issues but to divide society and redefine what family and society is.
Good parenting aims to help children unite their internal belief of who they are with their external form. It is a process and is called “growing up” and any confusion in the early years is usually clarified naturally by the time children reach their teens. However, the current euphoria around transgenderism means parents are being urged to consider that maybe their penised baby is actually a girl trapped in a boy’s body. And that they should be respectful in case the child grows up preferring a different gender. It’s best therefore to raise the child gender neutral. There may be on rare occasions that a child does grow up identifying as lesbian or gay, but lesbians still identify as women and gay men still identify as men. Denying the opportunity for your son the chance to become a wholesome father, husband or brother just because there is an extremely small chance they may wish to transition later in life is wrong 99.6% of the time. It is the correct guidance to help boys identify with male, masculine roles and girls with feminine roles. Bringing children up gender neutral is wrong 99.6% of the time and will only add confusion for the child and bring difficulties later in life. Gender transitioning by hormone replacement and surgery with young children may well cause severe trauma in their later life when they realise they are infertile due to the continuous requirement of hormone treatment or the loss of physical genitalia that is difficult to reverse should they wish to change back.
Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is a mental problem not a physical one. People are not born in to the wrong body. On an external level there are several decisions we as individuals can never make. One is whether we want to be born, another is our sex, for these are decisions made before we come in to existence. People cannot change their sex at a cellular level because every one of their 37 trillion cells clearly express a male or female trait. A man can never produce an egg or grow a foetus in a womb. A woman can never produce a sperm. A man who wants to become a woman is and always will be a man pretending to be a woman. A woman who wants to be a man will always be a woman pretending to be a man. And a man pretending to be a woman will always give male tainted love to the detriment of children brought up in a same sex partnership. A woman pretending to be a man will always give female tainted love. LGBTQ and same sex partnerships are all about what the adults want and has nothing to do with the needs of children.
However, we live in a free society and if a person wants to pretend to be of the opposite sex then that is fine. The problem is when in law we say a man can be a woman and is entitled to be treated as such and enter all spheres of the female world. The problem is when transgender becomes the norm and traditional heterosexual attitudes are supressed as is happening in Canada and made out to be the problem. Going against science and common sense can only cause a weakening of society and a decay of the family unit. Woman and children will suffer the most. Same sex marriage, gender fluidity theory and the forcing of politically correct gender pronouns has but one purpose. It is to weaken society by causing confusion and creating division between groups. It is a classic divide and conquer strategy with the central aim to gain control and power.
The Marxist strategy is always to think one thing, say another and do a third and can be seen clearly in the way post-modernist, extreme socialist left leaning ideologues lobby for their own agendas.
It’s time to stop this stupidity and see clearly the underlying purpose. It has absolutely nothing to do with equality or compassion. It has nothing to do with respect or diversity, it has nothing to do with genuine gender dysphoria problems but more to do with controlling the way we think and our ability to freely follow our conscience.
When a person with a mental problem who believes they were born in the wrong body is portrayed as normal and those who see it for what it is are themselves seen as having the problem then once this takes hold those in charge of these laws can play freely with what we are able to think and express. We will then need thought police to ensure we are thinking correctly and pass policies and laws like the one recently introduced in Canada forcing gender theory acceptance. When a man can wake up one morning and self-declare he feels like a woman and enter all female spheres like toilets, shower rooms and sports etc. and when people who act to stop this are forcibly restrained because of the legal protection of “transgender” individuals then society and family life can only decay. When a religious person is legally restrained from following their conscience and is punished for simply trying to protect their family and dignity then what hope is there?
The further down the road we go following the demands of the LGBTQ ideologues the closer will we get to a collapse of society and that dear friend is exactly the end game they are working for. The status quo is not acceptable to them. In their mind the destruction of society is the prerequisite for the establishment of their own utopian society. One should ask however, who will be pulling the strings and making the laws to force us to think “correctly”? The answer to this question can be found by reading The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksander Solzhenitsyn or to look critically at North Korea!
Consider this if you think transgender people feel comfortable with themselves. The national average for suicide in the UK is 0.0094% i.e. roughly one in ten thousand people. Specifically, 6,188 people committed suicide in 2015 in the UK. In Britain, 48% of transgender people had attempted suicide at least once in their lives. The prevalence of suicide remains high among transgender persons irrespective of disclosing their transgender status to others and undergoing sex reassignment surgery. The national average for people attempting suicide is 0.21% (NHS Suicide Fact Sheet). This clearly shows that being transgender results in an extremely high rate of suicide whether they openly relate as transgender or not (228 times greater risk actually). To impose a transgender ideology as an excepted normal sexual orientation and behaviour is therefore extremely damaging especially to young vulnerable people.
Nationally in Great Britain 0.4% of adults see themselves as other than just male or female (taken from the National census). This means that 99.6% are happy to be referred to as either male or female, man or woman, boy or girl. Then why do the LGBTQ lobby and demand getting transgender sexual orientation and sexual behaviour forced by law to be taught to all children starting while in primary school even though the expected behaviour and preferences will occur only within a minority group with a maximum of 0.4% of the population. So why does the government and the Archbishop Justin Welby believe these atheistic Cultural Marxist lies? Why should we legally be forced to confuse all our children who at a young age are not interested or even aware of transgender issues. That, as said in the film I, Robot to will Smith “is the right question” and something we must seriously consider if we value a free society!
Data worth looking at:
1) The lie, “One’s gender can be wrongly assigned at birth”
Parents are being encouraged to be wary of assigning gender based on the babies genitalia. They are being asked to consider that maybe their penised baby is actually a girl trapped in a boy’s body. And that they should be respectful in case the child grows up preferring a different gender. It’s best therefore to raise the child gender neutral. There may be on rare occasions that a child does grow up identifying as lesbian or gay but lesbians still identify as women and gay men still identify as men. Denying the opportunity for your son the chance to become a wholesome father, husband or brother just because there is a 0.001% chance that may wish to transition later in life is wrong 99.999% of the time.
Pushing raising children gender neutral by social progressives have the goal of weakening the ability of the next generation to build long lasting marital families. This being so, the idea that ‘children can be assigned the wrong gender at birth’, when believed by unthinking parents, is extremely toxic to the social fabric. It is being pushed extremely hard in the media and in the education system.
The purpose of the lie that gender can be wrongly assigned at birth is to make sure that everyone becomes totally confused. And, in that confusion, laws and policies will be passed that make both immoral and mentally confused people into healthy individuals and turn wholesome people into nasty, deranged people because they keep saying how dangerous the laws and policies are for society. In that confusion, with the increasing numbers of parents not encouraging their children to find a wholesome relationship between their mind and their body, increasing numbers of children will grow up and find it harder to build a lasting marriage so as to best protect their children. Social chaos is assured, all in the name of trying to be tolerant and accepting of some 1 in 10,000 people when, in reality, we should be encouraging them to go through extensive counselling.
2) The lie, “Transgender males and transwomen really are women”
There has been the push to allow men and boys who just say that they feel like a woman or a girl into the female bathrooms and showers in schools, universities, companies, swimming pools, and more. Even if the male feels like a woman just for a day, all this is acceptable. No diagnosis by any health professional is needed. No hormones need to be taken. No parts of the body need to be removed. Eventually it will become law and forced upon all citizens in developed nations unless a clear, unequivocal stand is made by citizens now.
So why would feminism want to promote trans-theory when it actually demonizes wholesome women just for being who they are? It’s because, as always, feminism was taken over by cultural Marxists a long time ago and these social progressives now see trans-theory as a way to cause even more havoc in society and thus gain even more power. Trans-theory is a much more powerful tool for gaining control over society then feminism is. Gaining political power through becoming the owner of the definition of a man and women is real power and that power, when in the hands of politicians, the judiciary, and of leaders of social organizations, can be used for political goals.
A woman is an essential part of traditional marriage, why? Only a woman has a womb, produces a human egg and is capable of female type love. A man pretending to be a woman cannot do any of these things. The only way a man can be a woman is to redefine the word women to mean something else. The new definition in effect says that these aspects of what a woman is actually play no role. Such a definition is of course ridiculous but that is what we are being forced by law to accept.
Redefining womanhood would ensure that the female body disappears from within the law and in social discussions. We all become solely that which our mind says we are. If there are people who think they are men, women or neither then because of gender fluidity all laws can only apply to ‘people’. In the law, we will all become de-sexed for to have a law which applies only to one sex would be discriminatory. Men could go anywhere in the women’s normal sphere of privacy, and vice versa. A woman’s body would become public property, owned by the State, with the State telling her who can watch her undress.
As you can see, though many ideas in this debate have not been fully explored, an immense amount of damage will be done to society if politicians and policymakers start treating men who, in any small way, claim to be women as if they are real women. The same goes for treating transmen as if they are real men. Might they suffer depression from not being accepted into the biological sex they seek to look like? Maybe. But this is not our fault. They have free will. There are a growing number of ways to deal with gender dysphoria or GID other than transitioning. The damage to society of accepting the lie that they have really changed sex will be immense. We really cannot afford to go there. Society will collapse. One has to still maintain what has always been the case; that individuals who struggle with dysphoria have psychological issues that have to be dealt with. We have to also clearly state that, even if a person transitions to look like a person of the opposite sex, they cannot ever change their sex in reality.
3) The lie, “All gender confused children need to transition immediately otherwise they will commit suicide”
Schools are now becoming actively involved in encouraging temporarily confused children to get onto hormones with the idea of eventually transitioning. The problem is that we treat these children with the same remedies as adults with long term dysphoria. This can only lead to tragic results for these children who, once they finally stop being confused, now maybe find themselves sterile, with unwanted body parts, with permanent health issues, and life-long depression—just because no one really waited to find out if their confusion was permanent or not.
We have children as young as four being guided towards transitioning, with the children absolutely unaware of the physical or mental dangers that lie ahead. As gender fluid theory has taken hold, far fewer are being referred for counselling and many more are ending up in transitioning clinics. In the UK, the number of children being referred for transitioning has grown from three hundred some five years ago to some two thousand today. Eighty of these children were between three and seven years old.
Once one understands the damage that is being done to these helpless children, and women, and society, you might ask why no one can stop it. Redefining marriage is a Marxist coup in disguise. In redefinition, we entered into a totalitarian age. The government sided with the same sex marriage activists and now all decent people who wish to protect children are now seen to be bigoted, nasty people. Now, in the gender fluid debate, as the activists win victory after victory without the government stepping in to stop them, decent people who see the damage are labelled transphobic. We now have teachers, the police, psychologists, and many more professionals living in fear of saying something that is politically incorrect. This is how it was under Stalin and Mao. This just allows the activists free rein to implement their child-harming strategies all across the social fabric, all because the State has passed laws that say all those who want to protect children are nasty people - a State-enforced, warped morality of who is good and who is bad. An authoritarian society is born, and society will increasingly come under the dominion of forces that wish to create untold harm to future society, all in the name of gaining power. And many of those who represent us are now in on this totalitarian thrust.
So, what should we be doing with these confused children instead? Ideally, we should just leave them alone, just like we have always done. We do not need to talk about gender fluidity in schools. Instead, we talk about different personality types—the nurturers, the guardians, the creatives, the pioneers, the connectors, and more. We teach girls that there are many different ways of being female, that each form of womanhood has its own strengths and that there are many successful women within each personality type. We help children identify and value and treasure those inner elements that correspond with their biological body. And we help boys find their natural male personality too.
So, what is the goal of the social progressives as they push gender fluidity in the school system? It is to get as many children to transition as possible before the public get to understand the true damage that is being done. This way, more laws will be made and the confusion will be embedded in society. The goal is to also ensure that the ideology is embedded into the education system. This will cause the next generation to grow up to embed it even deeper into society. They are the future Social Justice Warrior leaders. With the State saying gender fluidity is healthy, with the education system saying the same, with the media saying the same, then who can fight back?
In summary, the acceptance and teaching of gender fluid theory in the education system will cause it to spread out into society. Many, many children will end up getting seriously hurt. The theory does more damage than it heals. But that is the intention.
4) The lie, “There are more than two genders”
In the former USSR, one of the ways used to try to break the will of dissidents was torture. Torturers would hold up five fingers and ask the dissident to acknowledge that there were only four fingers being shown. Of course, the dissident usually refused to suspend reality for five fingers were being shown. The dissident was then tortured until they acknowledged that only four fingers were being shown. At that point, the torturers knew that the spirit of the dissident was broken, that the dissident was so afraid of being tortured again that they would not fight against the delusional Communist system again. Under the tyranny of fear, people say what the State tells them to say.
So, are there only two sexes or are there more? By stating within the law that there are more than two sexes the State is just waiting to see who sticks their head up, who wants their head chopped off. If no one, out of fear of losing their head, says anything, then the State has successfully taken upon itself the two unnatural rights. It has taken on the right to invent reality and keep that invented right in place through fear. It has also taken on the right to tell citizens what they have to say in their personal relationships. And both these powers can be expanded upon again and again in its future dealings with citizens. People end up living in fear of talking honestly about various, important, social issues.
The worrying issue for society is that enforced speech codes have always been seen as the starting point of the building of an authoritarian society. All oppressive societies have made laws about what people can and can’t say. In such an environment, the community increasingly becomes a network of neighbours spying on neighbours. You get ‘rewarded’ for turning people in. People live in fear of saying what they know to be true. Social cohesion is hard. Just as the growth of homosexual behaviour has always been a sign that a culture is on its last legs, the ending of freedom of speech has always been seen to be a precursor to the growth of a totalitarian state. It is one thing to force people to not say some things; it is a completely different issue to force people to say things against their common sense. The fact that this power has already been grabbed by political forces in Canada, in New York, California, and other places, does not bode well for the future.
Once citizens allow lawmakers to invent reality right down to the individual level, political forces then come to own the idea of what it means to be human. Now, under political dominion, large areas of life move from being under natural law to come under the legislative law. With the concept of the individual being owned by political forces, this allows the State to break through the protective barrier that natural rights offer the marital-family. When this happens, all family relationships become subject to legal intrusion. In many countries, same-sex marriage caused the terms ‘mother’ and ‘father’ to be stripped from legal documents. Third gender pronouns just cause a further assault on natural rights.
When the State takes control of how we define ourselves as individuals and controls what we have to say to each other then we all become atomized individuals. The State controls us as individuals, even in our private lives, even in our family. Rather than natural law of me having the freedom to do and say that which I believe is good for my family, State ownership over the concept of man and woman brings the State into all family relationships. If you think that State invasion of your family, once given, will stop with what you have to call your children you are mistaken. With the precedent set, political forces can now play games with your family as never before.
The first believable lie was committed in the garden of Eden by the archangel Lucifer
“Did God really say you would die if you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil”? His intention was control, his method was seduction and was the first paedophile in history. The Marxists game plan follows a similar path and use believable lies to further their plan seeking the same end goal, control.
What follows is a list of some of the believable lies being spread and established as truths within society by woke activists. This page is a work in progress with the first two lies having a brief explanation at the moment.
Do your own research, see how these believable lies are causing confusion and damage to society and the established family structure. Look for the agenda behind the agenda!
Believable Lie # 1
A man can become a woman and a woman can become a man.
It is biologically and scientifically impossible for a man to become a woman. All 37 trillion cells that make up our body are coded in the 23rd chromosome of our DNA whether we are male or female and the difference can be observed after the 5th week of conception how the physical body changes to reflect the male or female form. A man can pretend to be a woman and that is fine, we have free will but should be noted this is a psychological not physical issue. Casting this lie into law makes common sense and science false and those wishing to express the truth liable to prosecution.
Believable Lie # 2
That two men or two women in a partnership can be called a marriage.
The smallest building block of a healthy society is the family, not an individual. Only a family with both male and female, husband and wife can naturally bring forth new life. Same sex “marriages” turn children in to a commodity to be bought and sold. Children have an inborn deep desire to know their biological parents. Same sex marriage weakens the concept of marriage but that is exactly what it is designed to do. Destroy the family, then society crumbles allowing the implementation of a new utopian society by an ever increasing totalitarian form of government!
Believable Lie # 3
If a couple is struggling, it is better for the child if the parents get a divorce.
Believable Lie # 4
Being tolerant of all forms of sexual expression is good for society.
Believable Lie # 5
Children raised by same sex couples have the same outcomes as children who are raised by their biological parents.
Believable Lie # 6
Black Lives Matter.
All lives matter. It is noted that all the founders are trained Marxists intent not on resolving race issues but to cause deeper division along with the billions of dollars in riots and damage and for the founders to become rich in the process.
Believable Lie # 7
If you ban abortions, hundreds of thousands of women will have dangerous backstreet abortions. Abortion is a health care issue.
Believable Lie # 8
Ethnic minorities are held back by white privilege.
Believable Lie # 9
Same sex marriage, these individuals are born this way.
Believable Lie # 10
The redefining of marriage strengthens the institution of marriage.
Believable Lie # 11
The redefining of marriage won’t hurt anyone else.
Believable Lie # 12
Those who disagree with the redefining of the social purpose of marriage are hateful homophobes.
Believable Lie # 13
Men and women can be born into the body of the wrong sex.
Believable Lie # 14
The child must transition, or they will commit suicide.
Believable Lie # 15
Men can get pregnant.
Believable Lie # 16
Having children is bad for the environment.
Believable Lie # 17
Those who experience gender confusion on a long-term basis commit suicide more than the norm because of intolerance.
Believable Lie # 18
There are no underlying psychological issues that cause people to experience same-sex attraction.
Believable Lie # 19
Once gay, always gay. There are no ex-gays.
Believable Lie # 20
“Conversion therapy” is evil and should be banned. Right diagnosis therapy doesn’t apply to those who are experiencing same-sex attraction or gender confusion. They never have underlying psychological issues that might be causing their issues.
Believable Lie # 21
The differences between men and women primarily come about through cultural formation
Believable Lie # 22
There are more than two genders
Believable Lie # 23
Parents who seek to understand the deeper issues that might be causing their child to feel temporarily uncomfortable as a member of their own sex are uncaring and should have their children taken away from them.
Believable Lie # 24
Children are never wrong about their desire to transition.
Believable Lie # 25
Very few children who transition to look like members of the opposite sex and sterilize themselves regret their decision.
Believable Lie # 26
Gender confusion is not a psychological problem.
Believable Lie # 27
Masculinity is toxic.
Believable Lie # 28
Women are held back by the patriarchy.
Believable Lie # 29
Rise up, have a revolution, kill off the bourgeoisie, and poverty will be a thing of the past.
Believable Lie # 30
The rot source of your poverty is the greedy rich.
Believable Lie # 31
If we tax the rich even more and give the money to those in need, we will solve the problem of inequity.
Believable Lie # 32
Politically driven socialism is the end goal of history.
Believable Lie # 33
If you disagree with the economic laws that the Marxists promote, you are an uncaring person.
Believable Lie # 34
We live in a nation imbued with systemic racism, affirmative action programs will improve social well-being. Affirmative action programs are primarily about creating fairness
Believable Lie # 35
Women are held back from joining various professions by sexist males.
Believable Lie # 36
We have to immediately shut down all fossil-burning energy plants, even if this kills our industries and the old die of cold, in order to save the human race from disaster.
Believable Lie # 37
The polar bears are dying off.
In 1970 there were 5,000 Polar bears. Now there are over 30,000!
Believable Lie # 38
We can solve our social problems through legislation.
Believable Lie # 39
Of all the different races, the whites have the worst history of abuse and oppression.
Believable Lie # 40
Banning free speech as a means to protect people’s feelings will create far more good than harm.
Believable Lie # 41
Christianity is toxic for society.
Believable Lie # 42
The redefining of how we classify male and female is about creating fairness.
Believable Lie # 43
By having your breasts and sexual organs cut off, you will solve all the psychological problems you are having.
Believable Lie # 44
By granting the right to have an abortion, you will reduce the number of fatherless children in society.
Believable Lie # 45
Regarding abortion, it’s my body and so I can decide.