Here's the place to comment or ask questions.

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Here are a few comments.

From Vanya: The information on your website is very informative and scientific. As a parent, I really appreciate it as there are so many myths, laws and lies in regards to gender ideology. Can get confusing for grown ups let alone kids! Thank you for taking the time to compile it. Very useful indeed!

From Watson: Once, I would have been an amazing mother. The best. My babies would've been so loved. I was once a perfectly normal, healthy 20-somthing woman. Then gender ideology got me, I took testosterone. I can't have kids. Ever. What I'd give to slap some sense into my younger self.

From Dave: I reckon this is all a heavy-handed ideological solution to a concern that barely exists. The rapid spread and uncritical adoption of woke ideas is both uncanny and worrying. There is a rule in history that the false precedes the true. Maybe soon good ideas will spread even faster.

From Bill: The trans refuse on principle to debate as their arguments will be blown out of the water.

From Mary: We need more people to stand strong, keep up the good work.